About us / Contact

The Classical Music Network


Europe : Paris, Londn, Zurich, Geneva, Strasbourg, Bruxelles, Gent
America : New York, San Francisco, Montreal                       WORLD

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ConcertoNet.com is searching for correspondents!

Our aim is to develop a global network of English speaking correspondents throughout the world.

Cities concerned, for example:
Europe : Milano, Roma, Berlin, München, Vienna, Stockholm, Oslo, Praha, Amsterdam...
America : Chicago, Boston, Los Angeles, Toronto, Buenos Aires, Sao Paulo...
Asia : Tokyo, Shanghai, Seoul, Sydney...
And others!

Should you be interested in joining us, please send us a mail:

> CONTACTconcertonet@yahoo.com (without CONTACT)

Together, we can build a unique and ambitious project!

ConcertoNet Team




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